
The Local Bubble is a Local Chimney

The Local Bubble is a Local Chimney: A New Model from 3D Dust Mapping

Leveraging a high-resolution 3D dust map of the solar neighborhood from Edenhofer et al. (2023), we derive a new 3D model for the dust-traced surface of the Local Bubble, the supernova-driven cavity surrounding the Sun.

Mapping the Local Bubble’s Magnetic Field in 3D

The Local Bubble's Magnetic Field in 3D (Full length video)

Scientists have unveiled the first-of-its-kind map of a magnetic field in space. Specifically, the team has charted the magnetic field of our Local Bubble in 3D. Credit: T. O'Neill, A. Goodman, J. Soler, J. Han and C. Zucker.

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Molecular Clouds in Low-Metallicity Environments

Sequential Star Formation in the Young SMC Region NGC 602: Insights from ALMA

NGC 602 is a young, low-metallicity star cluster in the "Wing" of the Small Magellanic Cloud. We reveal the recent evolutionary past of the cluster through analysis of high-resolution (~0.4 pc) Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of molecular gas in the associated H II region N90.

Effects of CO-dark Gas on Measurements of Molecular Cloud Stability and the Size-Linewidth Relationship

Stars form within molecular clouds, so characterizing the physical states of molecular clouds is key to understanding the process of star formation. Cloud structure and stability are frequently assessed using metrics including the virial parameter and Larson scaling relationships between cloud radius, velocity dispersion, and surface density.

Characterizing the Galactic Core Mass Function

The Core Mass Function across Galactic Environments. III. Massive Protoclusters

The stellar initial mass function (IMF) is fundamental for many areas of astrophysics, but its origin remains poorly understood. It may be inherited from the core mass function (CMF) or arise as a result of more chaotic, competitive accretion.

Renovation of the Thacher Observatory

The Renovation and Future Capabilities of the Thacher Observatory

The Thacher School is in the process of renovating the campus observatory with a new meter class telescope and full automation capabilities for the purpose of scientific research and education. New equipment on site has provided a preliminary site characterization including seeing and V-band sky brightness measurements.

Nearby Type Ia Supernova Follow-up at the Thacher Observatory

Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) provide an effective way to study the expansion of the universe through analyses of their photometry and spectroscopy. The interpretation of high-redshift SN Ia is dependent on accurate characterization of nearby, low-redshift targets. To help build up samples of nearby SN Ia, the Thacher Observatory has begun a photometric follow-up program in 4 photometric bands.